Comments on: Artificial Grass Maintenance: How To Clean Artificial Grass Guide San Diego Pavers, Artificial Grass & Landscape Design | Install-It-Direct Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:59:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Claire Watkins Fri, 30 Jun 2017 01:45:03 +0000 In reply to Minh.

While salt can be used on artificial turf, it is generally not recommended. Over time, the residue from the salt can build up and reduce proper drainage through the backing material.

By: Claire Watkins Fri, 30 Jun 2017 01:39:22 +0000 In reply to Diana.

Your best bet is to rake the pine needles off of the artificial grass. Be sure to use a plastic rake, since metal rakes can damage the backing material. If you find that you have pieces of pine needles that are too small for the rake to pick up, you can also used a soft-bristled brush or broom to remove debris from your lawn.

By: Bill McAllister Tue, 13 Jun 2017 19:17:26 +0000 I had artificial grass, including a putting green installed about 2 years ago. Everything was great until a contractor put in a small wall with stucco covering near the putting green. He spilled many small spots of stucco on the putting green. I have tried soap and then Goo Gone with a brush but the spots still remain. When I put water on the green, the spots go away but come back when the putting green dries out. Is there anything I can use to get rid of the stucco spots on my putting green?

By: Diana Sat, 03 Jun 2017 23:37:32 +0000 How do you get pine needles off artificial turf.


By: Minh Fri, 21 Apr 2017 17:23:53 +0000 If it gets snowed and icy in the winter, can salt be used on artificial grass to melt the snow and ice away or will the salt damage the artificial grass?

By: Trevor Best Mon, 04 Jan 2016 21:31:27 +0000 My artificial grass in the back yard is dipping and forming about 4 to 5 ft./diameter drop, maybe an inch or so deep. I pulled the turf back and filled it with sand, but it has re-appeared after about a 1-1/2 years. Any suggestions? Thanks

By: Ronald Dombroski Thu, 08 May 2014 16:02:27 +0000 In reply to Paul.

Hi Paul,

My research indicates that over the counter weed killers will not damage Artificial Grass. I would however call the manufacturer of your turf to just to make sure and to ask the advice of the manufacturer. It is a common scenario to have weeds on the outer edge of the turf where it is easiest for them to grow at the edge of the compacted base line that your turf is nailed and secured into. However, if you are experiencing weeds in places other then the edges I would recommend calling your installer to lift the turf to see if the weeds are creeping in from the edges to the center or if they are aggressive and climbing through the base where the turf is nailed down then this is a separate issue. We experienced a project that had clovers growing through the base at the insertion area of the nails. We had followed all of the proper procedures for the installation and the homeowner said they had never seen clovers growing there in the past. We had to lift the turf and compacting base and treat the area with weed killer again and then install an extra layer of weed cloth. When prepping of an area for Artificial Grass the roots of the weeds or crab grass may end up lying dormant under the area of prepping. If you know your weeds or crab grass as being aggressive you could begin treating the grass and weed area with weed killer several weeks before the installation. Maybe once a week for a three week period. Also, as an added measure of protection for a repair of an area, 5 millimeter plastic can be placed on top of your native soils prior to reinstalling the compacted base. In my eight years of working with Artificial Grass I have only experienced two cases of aggressive weeds out hundreds of installations. The one was a small patch of clover measuring 5’x5′ and the other was and area of 1,000 square feet that required lifting turf, peeling back the weed cloth and treating the base with weed killer once a week for a three week period. This corrected the problem with minimum damage to the base work and with no call backs for repair (this was with another company that I worked for). Artificial Grass is an excellent low maintenance solution to beautifying your yard and home that saves water and weekly upkeep but the key is “low maintenance” vs. “No Maintenance”. Even Artificial grass will require a small amount of your attention but it is well worth it when compared the costs and time associated with maintaining sod.

Hope this helps!

By: Paul Thu, 08 May 2014 10:26:35 +0000 I have some weeds poking through my artificial grass – do you know if certain weedkillers will damage or discolour the surface?

By: Ronald Dombroski Sat, 08 Mar 2014 21:23:51 +0000 In reply to Don Mallick.

Hi Don,

Thank you for contacting us. One of the best things you can do is call your local rental yard company and let them know that you need a power broom for your artificial grass. Here in San Diego County, All Masonry Supply is one place that rents power brooms. What part of the country do you live? I could maybe help better if I know your geographical location.

By: Don Mallick Sat, 08 Mar 2014 01:05:57 +0000 I installed a little over 500 square feet of artificial turf last summer. I have noticed
the sweeping and grooming of same, requires more effort than I like–by hand.
Could you describe the “power broom” or sweeper device, that you recommend
renting. I am not familiar with that device.

By: Ronald Dombroski Tue, 11 Feb 2014 15:57:12 +0000 In reply to Ryan.

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for finding our information and for contacting us for help.

By “soft spots” I assume you mean that the turf is maybe dipping in spots or getting some small “sink holes”.

If it is a matter of compacting the base then the turf would need to be lifted. This involves removing the nails without ripping the turf and then pulling the turf back.

Make sure they used compacted class 2 road base and not 100% DG. DG is great on top of the base but used alone as the foundation it may not hold compaction well. You might be able to get away with using a hand tamper for re-compacting the base and then lay the turf back down. Nail it in using new nails, seam it if you have seams. If they did seam and used glue then this is another obstacle to overcome when peeling the turf back.

You will then probably have to rent a broom to power sweep the turf.

What area of the country do you live. I would consult a local company to try to fix it. It may be money well spent to have it done. If you are in San Diego County, Orange County or Riverside County we could help.

Thank you,


By: Ryan Sat, 08 Feb 2014 02:05:54 +0000 Luke,

We had our turf installed a couple of years ago and it has been great. Occasionally there will be a few “soft spots” in our yard. These have been repaired by the company who installed the turf in the past, but now that it is out of warranty I want to do it myself. What do you recommend doing about these soft spots?

By: Luke Whittaker Tue, 19 Nov 2013 00:40:43 +0000 In reply to Ginia Shawl.

Hi Ginia,

I have not heard of a vacuum, however, I did a little Google search and found this one: The product on the site is not available until next spring, but on the page there is a link for a product they sell that is by Shop Vac. I contacted several of our suppliers as well to see if they had any more insight about a vacuum for turf and unfortunately they did not. They all had the same concerns in regards to the vacuum potentially sucking up all the infill which would not be ideal.

Sorry I wasn’t more help, however, if we do come across something in the future we will be sure to reach out to you. Thanks again for getting in touch and have a great day!

By: Ginia Shawl Sun, 17 Nov 2013 18:13:00 +0000 Luke, We installed an artificial putting green this summer at our home in Arizona, I have heard that along with brushing and leaf blower there is a special vacuum. Is this true and do you know where I may purchase one? Thank you.

By: Luke Whittaker Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:32:39 +0000 In reply to Kathy Durbin.

Hi Kathy,

Glad to hear you are loving your artificial grass installation. As far as weed killers, there are many brands on the market and most of them are great, where the only difference is the label on the product. Our installers mostly use Roundup for our installations.
